The statement said that the Asian Football League is cooperating with FIFA to assess the impact of the epidemic on the top 40 of the 2022 Qatar World Cup Asian qualifier scheduled to be held in March.

Xinhua News Agency, Kuala Lumpur, February 27 (reporter Lin Hao) FIFA announced on the 27th that it will convene representatives of various associations and clubs to hold an emergency meeting next week. It is expected that it will discuss the new Crown pneumonia epidemic against the World Cup qualifier, the influence of Asian Champions League and other events.

FIFA said in a statement on the same day that the meeting attended by representatives of East Asia was held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia on March 2, and the meeting attended by representatives of West Asia was held on March 7 and 8.

The statement said that the Asian Football League is cooperating with FIFA to assess the impact of the epidemic on the top 40 of the 2022 Qatar World Cup Asian qualifier scheduled for March.

The statement also announced that, affected by the epidemic, the 6 games of the Asian Champions League group match in March and April were postponed, including Iran, UAE, four games of the Saudi Arabian club and the match of South Korea’s FC Seoul home court against Thailand’s Chiang Rae United, as well as a match between Saudi Arabia and the Iranian Club on April 6.

The secretary-general of the Asian Football Association, Windsor John, said in the statement that the Asian Football Association is paying close attention to the epidemic and keeping close contact with associations, leagues and clubs to protect players, the safety of officials and spectators and ensure the integrity of the competition.

By 上海

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